Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Project 365

While searching for camera reviews on Taiwan’s Mobile01 community, I came across a couple of inspiring Project 365 photo blogs. This seems to be a great way to capture one’s life through a lens while sharpening the “photographic eyes” through constant practice. After a short mental debate with myself, I’ve decided to set up an account on Tumblr and go for it. To keep things organized, I will use the Tumblr account exclusively for the daily photo blog and keep all writing projects here.

So without further ado, here’s the URL for my Project 365: I am hoping this project will help me get back into the swing of things after a long “social media hiatus”. Your feedback is definitely welcomed. I’d also love to hear about your experience with this type of daily photo project. Did your photography improve? What are some of the tips and tricks you’ve picked up during the year?